My GIS conversion project is now very much on the home straight, having done almost all of the data entry. Next up is to have a look at the Baklunish side of things and have a new look at provincial names, so see if they can be made to both blend in and still be visible closeup.
It is not perfect, still a few things that are on my list to fix but it is close to done. I added a 250 mile square grid and a scale. Realized afterwards that a 100 - mile scale and grid would be more appropriate, which I will keep in mind. More important for this test map is to verify that I can integrate grids and scales into my QGIS workflow, and that is a success.
QGIS have shown its strength more and more as I worked with it, very few crashes and a solid set of features and standards supported. Another great feature of QGIS is, it is open source software, that means it is both free and has a large user base. Lots of tutorials and plugins are created by its many users.
Another test I did was to export a layered PDF of an area, which is very easy to do and the PDF looks good and are of reasonable size.
You can download the Baklunish Test map here (179.5MB):
The Layered PDF Map here (9 MB):
Remember to download the files, they are probably too big to be viewed in your browser.
Left to do are the Sea Lanes which will take me a week or so, and then it is time to go over and double check things which will probably take another week or two. So hopefully there will be a first set of GIS based maps for digital use, and a geopackage for you guys to play around with for Christmas.
After the holidays I will start work on a series of maps for print and make vectors of all the coastlines, and rivers. This is to make is easy to create overview, spread maps and things like weather maps and more.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!