Heraldry – a mixed lot


This last batch is a small mixed lot of shields and symbols.

 Let’s start with Uskedge that comes from a reference in the Saga of Old City Gord novel, a General Lomor, the Margrave of Uskedge leads a Great Kingdom force into the battle at Woodford in the Adri. I created the March of Uskedge on the North Province/Kingdoms western edge where Woodford is located, and here comes my take on lord Lomor’s shield.

The background of the shield tops with the overkings colors and markings, showing the Margrave is an overking loyal and appointee. The green lower bit is the Edgefield Green, showing Lomor’s family ties and origins. The boar is a symbol Lomor choose to underline his abilities as a hunter, the frontier status and danger of his posting and a way to look cool.


This is the version that was used by Lomor until the fall of Ivid’s line. Above it is shown in an aged version that could be found in the 590’s.


The fall of Ivid forced Lomor to change his allegiance and update hi heraldry accordingly. Gone are the colors of the Overking replaced with the Naelax Red and an Aerdy small star have been added as a way to show allegiance.


The overking himself kept a retinue of Fiend-Knights, both infantry and cavalry. Their heraldry is described in Ivid the undying as a fierce tan horse and a baboon respectively. I used AI to create the concepts and then used my Photoshop editing chops to create the shields. I placed the symbols on the Naelax red, and due to simulated wear and tare the colors faded a bit differently.

Next up is a variant of the Hardby heraldry from OJ #10 and a design by James A. S. Muldowney.

This can be the Hardby shield is you prefer, or it can be one sed by an earlier Gynarch, one competing for power. The moon suggests elven connections…


There is one place in the Empire of Iuz that have managed to retain a “decent” civilized form of heraldry and that is Delaquenn, the town on the eastern shores of the Whyestil.


The town was founded by Oeridian explorers  with ambitions to become part of the expanding Great Kingdom and the heraldry was made to prove it. The standard Aerdy symbol of city with the black of the then ruling Cranden overking’s house over blue water. The city gate and its windows are gleaming golden to indicate wealth and prosperity.  The flags on tops of the towers are probably a later edition showing the colors of Molag.


The Keep of Trystenn is a hideous keep along the road between Molag and Dorakaa, ruling the Long March. Its crest is an equally gloomy addition to the annals of heraldry. Based on an Aerdy heater shield to mock the enemy, and with a symbol that is both a homage to the caltrops surrounding the keep, the helmets worn by its guards and their long shafted axes.

While up in the north let’s look at a shield that never was, but could have been, the Northern MarchesThe Great Kingdom’s reach never really got to Blackmoor but it was in their sights. If they had properly conquered it they would probably have made it into the Northern Marches. The name is also an homage to the Northern Marches that was Dave Arneson’s realm in the Great Kingdom campaign.

The design is the norm for Aerdy marchlands, the Aerdy seal with the sun and the crown, on a black Cranden background due to the ruling dynasty of Rauxes. At the bottom are the Blackmoor blue and white.  


In the Griff Mountains south of Stonehold lies Garel Enkdal, a nest of Orcs (and maybe other humanoids as well).  Here is my take on their shield, a portrait of what they are very proud of, their defenses that have held the pesky Fists away for a long time.


Last of the proper shields are a design I found in the D&D gazetteer, published in 2000. It is in a picture of Belissica and Karll in front of their heraldry, but the Duch one with the bear has black diagonal stripes instead of a uniform background color. I took this design and made it into Duke Karll’s crest and the symbol of his capital Leukish.



Next up are some other symbols. First out is the Cranden conclave, mentioned in Ivid the Undying. It is usually found as a pin that can be worn on clothes to identify the wearer as a Cranden noble.


Iuz distributes holy symbols to his clergy in two variants, black and white.


They both work as holy symbols, the reason for having two colors is the same as tyrants throughout history have figured out. Never trust your underlings, so make sure you divide them into competing teams. In case there is a rebellion, Iuz can cancel the power of whatever offending color the hapless instigator was issued with. Might also be only a rumor used to scare lowly henchmen into submission. There are rumors of a red version distributed to the truly powerful among his followings.




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